The Good News Is ... |
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The good news is ... There really is an infinite and Almighty God, who is good, wise and glorious beyond description! This Supreme Being so loved this fallen world that is made up of sinful human beings that He sent His unique Son, who shares the Father's name and nature, deity, and essence. The eternal Son of God came to earth, became a man, and lived a blameless life. Israel's Messiah and Supreme Teacher taught the most exalted truths, accomplished fantastic miracles, and then did the greatest wonder of all -- He willingly died, sacrificing Himself on a Roman cross. Then the Almighty God raised Jesus from the dead, conquering sin and overcoming death, and making possible the complete forgiveness of all our sins. Those who are joined by faith to the Messiah have peace with God. They are reconciled to the Creator from whom the whole world is estranged. They are protected by the power of God, who is able to keep them from stumbling and bring them safely home to Heaven. There is no force in the universe that can separate them from the love of God! They will be given eternal life, and will never, ever perish. They are more than conquerors! They will eat from the Tree of Life which is in Paradise. They will live forever in glorious light, seeing and knowing as they are known, possessing new minds and glorified bodies. The one who overcomes will be allowed to sit on the throne of the Son of God, just as He overcame and sat down on God's throne. They will reign forever and ever as kings and queens over the new heavens and the new earth. God will overcome Satan. Good will overcome evil. Heaven will overcome hell. Life will swallow up death. Everlasting joy will engulf all sorrow, and sadness will flee away. This future is real and can be yours for the asking. please click here to find out how. |
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