1. Introduction

A highly developed and well-organized belief system can often be the most dangerous blinder to truth. We need only to look at history to see this demonstrated time and again. Jesus told His disciples about His imminent death, but they were unable to comprehend what He said because it did not fit within their theological framework. Copernicus taught that the sun, not the earth, was at the center of the solar system. But this concept was not readily accepted because it did not fit within the approved teachings of the day. Galileo met with the same resistance to his discovery of truth. He could demonstrate his findings by observable evidence. But when he did this, it often only infuriated those who watched. For a person of that day to accept. The teachings of Copernicus and Galileo meant that his whole belief system came tumbling down. Many of the religious leaders felt that it was emotionally easier to hang on to the accepted teachings of the time, even if these teachings did have some problems, than to acknowledge new factual evidence which threatened their world view, or threatened their control/authority. For us to entertain the idea that our own belief system may be wrong results in considerable insecurity. People have gone to great lengths to defend the indefensible in order to safely preserve what they considered to be "truth." Those seeking truth must have a certain reverence for the evidence, like the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11). The one who is honestly studying a doctrine must give serious consideration to the evidence which does not fit his belief system. He must be willing, if necessary, to take apart his system of theology and put it back together again to fit the Biblical evidence. This is not an easy task. However, it does bring a great amount of confidence and peace when it is accomplished. Real truth has nothing to fear from searching investigation. (1)

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