Contemporary Issues

AI Apotheosis
Are You Personally Against Abortion, But ...
Bad Marriage/Good Marriage
Be Connected to the Source of True Life Rather Than AI
A Biblical View of Divorce and Remarriage
Can I Be 'Just' a Christian?
Can't We All Just Get Along?
A Celebrity Ponders His Mortality
Choosing a Church Home
Christians and Capital Punishment
Counterfeit Gospels
Dealing with Habitual Sins
Detecting False Prophets
Do Not Be Misled by Mr. MacGuffin!
Do You Believe the Embryo/Fetus Is Not a Human Being?
Does the Bible Need to be Decoded?
The Gift of Perseverance Is Never Obsolete
God's Will Be Done
The Greatest Reset
The Homosexual Lifestyle vs. Biblical Christianity
Homosexual Marriage?
Humanizing the Most Vulnerable Promotes Life for All
Invitations: To Call or Not to Call?
Lord or LGBTQ+?
One Blood, One Family in Jesus Christ
Popular Myths About the Bible
Repercussions of "Helping" God
Sanctity of Human Life
Secret Codes and Signs
Sixteen Facts Everyone Should Know About Israel
Some Dangers of Legalism
Speech Is Hateful to Those Who Hate the Truth
Stronger Together in Jesus
Thoughts for Easter
Reformed Theology
Rethinking Romans 13
Today's World
Truth Spoken Boldly Overcomes Censorship
Valentine's Lasting Legacy: Embracing the Greatest Act of Love
Why Can't They See This?

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Biblical Analyses

Believers in Christ Birth Certificate
A Brief Definition of the Trinity
Equipped for Battle
From Trashed to Treasured
Galatians 5:4 and Assurance of Salvation
Hebrews 1:1-2:4: Jesus is God's Full & Final Revelation
Is Physical Healing Guaranteed in the Atonement?
James vs. Paul: Salvation by Grace or by Works?
Judgment Day and the Believer
The Judgment Seat of Christ - Blood on Your Hands, Tears in Heaven
The Law: All 613 Commandments!
Messiah Our Sanctification
The Nature and Scope of Justification, or Complete in Christ
Particular Redemption
Purpose and Meaning of 'Ego Eimi' in the Gospel of John
The Rich Young Ruler
Righteousness by Faith
Romans 11: God Has Not Rejected His People!
Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria
The Supremacy of Christ
The Ten Commandments in the Age of Grace
The True Church (The Body of Christ)
The View from the Cross
What Are We Saved From?
What Is the Sin Against the Holy Spirit?
Will All Who Believe be Accompanied by Miracles?

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Controversial Topics

Bad Arguments Against Calvinism
Calvinism, Arminianism, and Eternal Security
A Comparison of Calvinism and Arminianism
A Defense of Calvinism
Are You a Sheep or Goat?
The Eternal Security of the Genuine Saint
The Fallibility of the Early Church Fathers
Is Annihilationism Biblical?
Is Christmas Christian?
Is It Right to Judge?
King James Version Only?
The Kingdom of the World vs. The Kingdom of God
Limited Atonement
Must Love for God be Freely Chosen to be Genuine?
The Myth of Free Will
On Trying to Change Others
Rebuttal to Arguments Against Eternal Security
Should We Really Draw Daggers?
Thoughts on the Book of Colossians
Tithing: What Does the Bible Really Teach?
Water Baptism: Is It Necessary for Salvation?
What's Wrong With the 21st Century Church?
When Will the Rapture Be?

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